Monthly pattern resumes
Sunday 5th July 2020 will go down in history. On this day, along with many other churches in the UK, we held our first church service after a three month break in public services. The Coronavirus lockdown was imposed on 24th March and churches were completely closed until mid-June when they were opened for private prayer – subject to social distancing and health precautions and conditions.
At the beginning of July the government allowed churches to open – with restrictions – for church services. The 0930 service on Sunday 5th July was Morning Prayer when the leader and preacher was our Vicar – the Revd Juliette Hulme. As live singing isn’t allowed, we used pre-recorded hymns during the service. Below are photographs to mark what is a historic occasion – public worship in St John’s has continued week-in week-out for several hundred years; that is – until this year. Click on each photo to expand.
- Rev Juliette with our churchwardens Ant & Bill.
- Rev Juliette
- Important people
- Ordinand Becca and Juliette
- Amanda and Juliette
- Maggie & Quentin
- Heather & Richard
- social distanced sermon
Our normal monthly pattern of worship will resume though restrictions remain. Click here for more information.