The evening service of Compline
Lighten our darkness
On Sunday 16th June we sang the ancient service of Compline in place of our monthly Choral Evensongs. The office of Compline formed the last service of the day, and originally would have been sung by the community of an Abbey, Cathedral or Priory Church in Medieval times, unaccompanied and in darkness. The service was sung entirely to plainsong with some additions from the Salisbury Antiphoner as adapted in 1899.
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These pictures were taken during a rehearsal beforehand led by Trevor Jarvis, a member of the Royal School of Church Music’s (RSCM) part-time staff and formerly Director of the Voluntary Choir at Buckfast Abbey, along with Stuart Robinson – our own Director of Music, who also works as for the RSCM and as a freelance radio and video producer.

Stuart Robinson
The service was part of the worldwide celebrations of RSCM Music Sunday. Click here for the RSCM’s website where you can find out more about its mission to support music in worship and those who make it.
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