How you can support us
Support our work & development
It costs more than £1500 a week to maintain this splendid parish church and its ministry. We receive no financial support from government or from the Church of England, and depend entirely on regular and one-off donations. For hundreds of years, this sacred space has been at the heart of a busy rural community. St John’s hosts services and events every week, from great festival services and cultural events, to more intimate services where just two or three are gathered in prayer; all are welcome at any service. In addition, we are here for you at key times in your life: if you would like to be baptised or have your child baptised, if you would like to be married at St John’s or if you have lost a loved one and would like a member of our ministry team to visit and/or conduct the funeral, do please contact us.
You can support us in a number of ways.
- The Parish Giving Scheme. This scheme enables you to give regularly by direct debit. Click here for more.
- To make an online donation towards the church’s upkeep and ministry click here.
- By post: Cheques made payable to Tisbury Parochial Church Council and sent to: The Treasurer, The Parish Office, Hinton Hall, Tisbury, SP3 6NH.
Eligible for Gift Aid? Download and complete a Gift Aid declaration form and include with your donation.
A collection for the ministry and upkeep of the church is received at all services. Envelopes are provided in the pews if you are able to gift aid your donation. To discuss regular giving please speak to Paul Naish (07587 072900) or email Cheques should be made payable to Tisbury Parochial Church Council. For your convenience, a card reader is available by the North Door.
We are registered with the Charities’ Commission thus:
Every donation – whether large or small – makes a real difference.
Thank you!