Concert in St John’s
Saturday 2nd July: 7.30pm
SOMME: Tisbury pays tribute.
On 1st July the hundredth anniversary of the opening day of the Battle of the Somme is being commemorated throughout the country as well as in France, to pay tribute both to those who fought that day, and all who served on land during the first World War. Tisbury men fought at the Somme and, of course, in many other areas as well.
At 7.30 pm on Saturday 2nd July, in St John’s Church, the village will pay its tribute in a three-part concert: a one act play by Mark James; a recreation of the musical soirees held for wounded soldiers at Stourhead; and a compilation, by Hannah Bertenshaw, performed with Junior TAG, in words and music based on the memories of local veterans.
Entry is free with a retiring collection in aid of The Royal British Legion.