Congratulations Judy!
Lay Canon at Salisbury Cathedral
Warmest congratulations to Judy Anderson, our Licensed Lay Minister who was installed as a Lay Canon of Salisbury Cathedral at Choral Evensong in Salisbury Cathedral on 8th May. Here are pictures with the Bishop of Salisbury, the Acting Dean of the cathedral, other newly-created canons as well as some of those from St John’s Tisbury and the wider benefice.
- MAY: Judy Anderson installed as a Canon at Salisbury Cathedral
The honorary appointment, which lasts for five years, is conferred for faithful and loyal service to the church, and holders become members of the cathedral governing body. In Judy’s case the appointment is in recognition of her work as Associate Warden of Licensed Lay Ministers in the Salisbury Diocese. A ceremony to install Judy in her new role – along with other new canons – was held during Choral Evensong in Salisbury Cathedral on Tuesday 8th May. While Judy continues in her existing role as a Licensed Lay Minister in our benefice and as a foundation governor at St John’s Primary School in Tisbury, she gets the right to sit in her own stall in the cathedral – that of Chardstock in the west of the diocese.
Last October Judy celebrated 25 years of Lay Ministry
Salisbury Cathedral
Canons are the big guns of the Church of England!
Read more on the Church of England website.
Feature photo: Dominic Parkes