Congratulations Judy!

Local pilgrimage

through Holy Week 2018

The Revd Mark Hayter, one of our associate priests, is leading a personal (yet not private) pilgrimage through the final weeks and days of Lent as we in the Nadder Valley prepare for Good Friday and Easter.  Mark will be accompanied by the Revd Joanna Naish, another of our associate priests; other members of the ministry team are also leading services.

You are most welcome to join them (along with well-behaved dogs!) for all or part of the pilgrimage; the itinerary takes in a number of churches in the Nadder Valley Benefice and is as follows:

5.30pm: Celtic Evening Prayer at Ansty, followed by a walk to –
7pm : Compline at Swallowcliffe

4.30pm: BCP Evening Prayer at Fonthill Gifford followed by a walk to –
6.00 pm: Celtic Evening Prayer at Hindon followed by a walk to –
7.30 pm: Compline at Fonthill Bishop.

5.30 pm: Celtic Evening Prayer at Compton Chamberlayne followed by a walk to
7.00 pm: Compline at Teffont Magna (led by Revd Tina Fox)

7.00 pm: Compline at Chicklade (led by Judy Anderson)
7.30: Compline at Chilmark

Maundy Thursday
6.00pm: Compline at Fovant
7.00pm: Communion at Barford St Martin and stripping of the altar.
7.30 pm: Passover Communion and Vigil at Tisbury
Good Friday services
9.30 Swallowcliffe
11.15 Ansty, Fonthill Gifford
13.30 Tisbury
14.00 Fovant
15.00 Dinton
16.00 Hindon
18.00 Chilmark

Nadder Valley services in full