Future Development


X-plore with Becca!

Bible and Brekkie

Announcing a new event for young people on the 2nd Sunday of each month in the Hinton Hall @ 9.30 am!

Are you aged 11 to 16 and looking for something new to do on a Sunday morning? Do you enjoy having fun, being with friends – and making new ones – while finding out more about faith? And getting breakfast as well! If you do, then come along. You will be welcome, whatever you believe. Just turn up on the day and be prepared for a whole new experience!

There will also be occasional ‘Evening Mash-Ups’, which will be a combo of games and activities with a Christian theme and discussion.

You don’t have to be ‘churchy’ to come along and enjoy the fun! Just bring yourself and a friend or two and join in and we look forward to seeing you.

Follow the latest on our Facebook page, using the link on the banner bar above.