Women at War
Flashback to Remembrance 2018
Given that we have been unable to hold our customary Remembrance services this year, here is a lookback to the exhibition in St John’s Church in 2018.
Over the Remembrance weekend we hosted a wonderful display from the Tisbury Flower Group entitled A FLORAL TRIBUTE TO WOMEN IN WORLD WAR 1. £250 was raised for the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry.
There were seven splendid and poignant displays, one of which consisted of 1200 poppies knitted by members of the group. Other exhibits featured the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry; Tisbury Hospital which cared for more than 1400 men during and after the War; Women’s Role in Agriculture; the Munitionettes who lost many women whilst working in the Munitions factories; the Women’s Royal Naval Service; Votes for Women and The Dick and Kerr Women’s Football team! Enjoy the pictures below – click on each to expand.
- Women at War
- REMEMBRANCE: Women at War – a floral tribute
Photography: Juliette Hulme, Stuart Robinson.