Pictures from a concert on 2nd July 2016
It was a full house for a concert in St John’s on Saturday 2nd July 2016 to commemorate the centenary of the start of the Battle of the Somme. £417 was raised for the work of the Royal British Legion (RBL). The evening included a one act play by Mark James; a recreation of the musical soirées held for wounded soldiers at Stourhead; and a compilation by Hannah Bertenshaw with Junior TAG in words and music based on the memories of local veterans.
The RBL’s David Childs who organised the concert writes
The Royal British Legion is one of the charities supported by the church. This focuses, generally, around Remembrance Sunday and the Poppy Appeal. But our programme to commemorate the Somme could not have gone ahead without support from members of the Church, especially from among the PCC, one of whom played the starring role. Whether it was putting posies of poppies on the pew ends; producing the programme; putting up the publicity; running the bar; taking the retiring collection; helping with tidying up, and several other matters, St John’s made a massive contribution. And, of course, members of the church congregation made up part of a generous audience. We raised £417 on the evening which, apart form the enjoyment that was given, will make a very positive contribution to the work of the RBL.