The Revd Juliette Hulme

25 not out

Juliette’s ordination anniversary

On Sunday 4th October, the Revd Juliette Hulme led a service of celebration to mark the 25th anniversary of her ordination to the Priesthood. At the time she was one of the first female priests to be ordained.  A quarter of a century later, no-one went away empty-handed from this special Parish Communion service; worshippers were presented with a starry balloon to symbolise our different gifts.

The preacher was the Revd Richard Carter, Associate Vicar for Mission at the Church of St Martin-in-the-Fields in central London, and long standing friend of Juliette.

During the service there were two presentations. The Revd Juliette Hulme presented to the church a new green chasuble,  stole and a range of matching accessories for the altar  (burse and veil). Canon Judy Anderson kindly contributed to the chasuble.

In a service in which worshippers were invited to give thanks for many God-given gifts and ministries, Nigel King, our Server and Sacristan was presented with a Bishop of Salisbury’s Award for over 40 years’ loyal service. He first began the role as a teenager.

As well as the Covid pandemic, the boiler and blower for the nave organ decided to break down that weekend. It meant that the choir was accompanied by the chamber organ in the St Andrew’s Chapel which has no pedals. The pedal part of the closing voluntary (the Toccata from the 5th Symphony by CM Widor) was supplied by Sam Wiggs (bassoon).

Congratulations Juliette!