Saturday 20th January: from 0900
9.00am – 4.00pm: St Andrew’s Chapel
It costs more than £1500 a week to maintain this splendid parish church and its ministry. We receive no regular financial support from government or from the Church of England, and depend entirely on one-off and regular donations. St John’s needs all our help to keep going – to pay our diocesan and team shares and all the day-to-day costs.
Come and join in as we seek God’s provision for our church.
Our Time
Our Talents
Our Money
9.30 – 10am: Morning Praise – The Revd Elaine Brightwell
12 – 12.30pm: Praise – The Revd Dr Graham Southgate
3.30 – 4pm: Thanksgiving – The Revd Mark Hayter
Please support our church and its work