Easter Day

Farewell to the Revd Juliette Hulme

Parish Priest 2018-2024

It was with great sadness that we said goodbye to the Revd Juliette Hulme, our Parish Priest, as she retired from full-time ministry.  Juliette came to us in September 2018, after 12 years as Chaplain at Wells Cathedral School and before that time ministering in parishes and as a Chaplain in the British Army.

Juliette’s last service in the Nadder Valley was on Sunday 29th September, the Feast of St Michael and All Angels and the 30th anniversary of Juliette’s ordination; as well as presiding, Juliette preached an inspiring sermon in which she reflected on the guidance and protection of angels throughout her varied ministry.  The service was followed by a reception in the Hinton Hall, at which gifts from St John’s and Juliette’s other churches were presented.

We thank Juliette for all she has given to Tisbury and the other parishes for which she has been responsible, and we wish her a long and happy retirement.