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Our church services

the monthly pattern

Services at St John’s reflect a range of contemporary and traditional styles of worship, with music mostly provided by our wonderful organ and choir, and at other times more informally by the church band.
Click here to download a monthly music list

Our services usually follow a monthly pattern:

4th Sunday: Holy Communion (BCP) in the Lady Chapel

(1st Sunday: All-age service)
Sunday 5th January at 11.15: Benefice service at Chilmark.  No service at St John’s.
2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays: Parish Communion (Sung)
5th Sunday: Parish Communion in one of the Nadder Valley churches – please see our Newsletter for venue

3rd Sunday: Choral Evensong (not August or December)

1000: Holy Communion (CW) in St Andrew’s Chapel

A Service of Healing and Wholeness is held on the second Wednesday of each month at 15.00 GMT or 18.00 BST

0800: Holy Communion (BCP) in the Vestry

Children are welcome at all times, either to stay with their families or to use the children’s corner inside the church. Our monthly all-age services are shorter (around 45 minutes) and usually include an activity for the children.

You are most welcome to join with us, on your own or with family and friends.

Online Services
Morning Prayer (CW) is said online on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8.00am.  You can join this by clicking the Zoom symbol on our homepage.

Services in the Nadder Valley
For details of services in all the churches of the Nadder Valley, please see the Nadder Valley rota.