Bishop Edward in Tisbury

Partners & charities

home and abroad


Christian Relief and Education in South Sudan (CRESS)

St Johns has supported CRESS since the beginning and takes part in regular visits to South Sudan to support the work there. CRESS was established in April 2011 and works with the Diocese of Kajo Keji in South Sudan, improving their livelihoods through the education of their children, teacher training, agricultural and medical support, funding solar power and water filters and providing salaries.  The charity’s work is further supported by the Salisbury Diocesan clergy and others who contribute funds and equipment as an outward working of their Christian faith. Click here for more about the Diocesan link with South Sudan.

Find out more about CRESS at

Action on Addiction is a charity that addresses all areas of the problem of addiction in our society today. The residential centre, Clouds House, is not far from Tisbury and church members have become associated with it in various ways, including offering a lift to church for the residents who wish to come on a Sunday morning.

Alabare is a Salisbury based charity that supports people who are homeless, vulnerable and at risk, including young people, service veterans and those with mental health issues. The charity also manages Barnabas House in Salisbury, which provides a safe environment for women who are at risk. St Johns regularly sends gifts of food, clothing, bedding and other practical items, which are collected in the church porch.