Summer Fete 2016
Pictures from a good day!
*** Date for your new diary ***
The 2017 Summer Fete will be on Saturday 24th June – subject to any building work.
The annual Summer Fete held in and around St John’s on Saturday 25th June 2016 raised £4,200 for church funds! We would like to thank all who came and spent their money on events such as the Grand Summer Fete Draw, and at the many stalls in the church yard and car park. Thanks to the many who helped to make this a very successful and happy afternoon, even if the occasional shower did intervene.. Scroll down for a selection of pictures and a message from the Fete Committee.
Churchwarden and Chairman of the Fete Committee has written:
I want to thank everyone who helped make the Fete such a success; £4200 which is a wonderful result, making all that hard work worthwhile. There was a good community atmosphere, the use of the Church encouraged more people to come inside, and the weather was mostly kind to us! You all supported us in so many ways, I cannot thank you all individually here, but Trish and I hope to have thanked you over the last few days. It takes a large cast to put on a show like the Fete and you should be justly proud of yourselves for the result of your efforts.