Easter 2024
Sunday 31st March 0930 BST
You will be most welcome at our Parish Communion service at 9.30am on Easter Day, Sunday 31st March 2024. The Celebrant is our Parish Priest, the Revd Juliette Hulme.
After the long season of Lent and the tragedy of Good Friday, we celebrate the risen Christ. The resurrection of Jesus shows us that God’s love is stronger than the power of evil, and even in the most challenging times Christ is present with us and brings light into the darkness of this world. The service begins with the lighting of the Easter candle, and there will be the opportunity for those of us who are baptised to renew our baptismal vows. The service ends in the churchyard with the Blessing of the Easter Garden, after which refreshments will be served.
Music includes the hymns Jesus Christ is risen today and Thine be the glory and the Easter carol This joyful Eastertide, with movement’s from Mozart’s Spatzenmesse (Sparrow Mass) and organ music by Charles-Marie Widor.