New altar for St John’s
Bishop dedicates altar
The Bishop of Ramsbury, the Rt Revd Andrew Rumsey, has dedicated a new altar hand crafted by Matthew Burt of Hindon (pictured third from left). The dedication took place in a special Parish Communion service held in St John’s on Passion Sunday – 7th April. The altar is a gift in memory of Jean Naish (1925 – 2010) from her children (Mark, Paul and Chloe). Jean Naish was a long standing member of St John’s and churchwarden between 1997 – 2002. The family is pictured with Revd Juliette Hulme (Vicar).
Bishop Rumsey anoints the altar with five crosses representing the wounds of Christ
The new nave altar replaces an ancient stone altar which has been moved to its new position in the Lady Chapel. More