Festival of Lessons & Carols

Advent Sunday

Sunday 27th November

Sunday November 27th Advent Sunday. – the start of a new church year. [Specifically its Year A in the church’s three year cycle of readings.] It also marks the month or so of preparation leading up to the great festival of Christmas and the birth of Christ.  At St John’s there will be a said service of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer of 1662; the Celebrant is the Revd Colin Fox. Parish Communion at 0930 will be led by the Vicar, the Revd Juliette Hulme.

At 1600 there is an Advent Service of the Word at St Margaret’s Church, Chilmark led by the Revd Elaine Brightwell with music provided by the Hindon and Chilmark Choir.

During Advent there are no flowers and the colour of the altar frontal is purple.
